Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Murphy's Laws for Real Estate"

If you've ever leased property, then you can relate, and for all those renters out there, You know this has happened once or twice. :)

1. Your best tenant will get a job transfer during the worst rental market of the decade.

2. When a tenant attempts to fix the leaky faucet himself, expect to not only replace the faucet but the entire plumbing system too.

3. When a tenant's furnace breaks down in winter, or the air conditioning in summer, it's always the most expensive part that will need to be replaced.

4. When the tenant from across town needs something to be repaired quickly, the hardware store will close five minutes before you get there.

5. A tenant's uncanny ability to see dirt and damage will be much greater when they move in than when they move out.

6. The working components of a rental home (heating,cooling,electrical, plumbing, dishwasher, garbage disposal, doorbell and refrigerator) will break down 90% faster on the rental than the working components of your own home.

7.When a tenant calls and says "Hi, how's it going?" you know that something is drastically wrong.

8. When a tenant claims to "love gardening" it means that they are fond of gardens found in books, movies and maybe the Sahara desert but not your particular rental property.

9. Proper disposal of two quarts of bacon grease for a tenant is always down the kitchen sink.

Found this on